


Nauto work
Nauto work
Nauto work

Expediting Nauto's global growth via Japanese brand localization

Nauto is a smart device that helps track driver safety with a dashboard camera and eye-tracking technology. After seeing success stateside, they wanted to localize their fleet management web application and installation for potential customers in Japan. Nauto worked with btrax to localize their iOS and Android app and expand their presence in Japan.


Technology IoT


Brand Localization Market Research User Research



What we provided

We worked with Nauto’s product and marketing teams to unify the look and feel of their iOS and Android apps. We also improved the UX for the Japanese market. In addition to reinforcing marketing materials, we performed media outreach to boost business development in Japan.

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Positioning for Japan

We conducted market and competitor research for the Japanese market to understand how to strategize Nauto’s market entry.

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Communication Findings

We consulted with the design and product teams to recommend UX/UI features needed for success in the Japanese market based on our findings.

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Pushing for Quality

Localization was crucial to maximizing the impact and usability of Nauto's product with Japanese consumers.

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Our impact

The headquarters and US branch participants of this boot camp discovered that their relationships strengthened through this experience. They used the insights gained in the boot camp to rapidly push towards new product development.

Nauto Japan

“We appreciate all your help in making our product marketing more effective in Japan. I would like to express our appreciation for you and your team in helping out in our first step in entering the Japanese market. Thank you so much again.”

Shinobu Kato, Business Development Manager

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